Palindrome Codex by Cao Yuxi



Palindrome Codex by Cao Yuxi

Palindrome Codex by Cao Yuxi

Palindrome Codex by Cao Yuxi

Palindrome Codex by Cao Yuxi

Cao Yuxi keeps exploring New Media art’s boundless creativity and conceptual depth with a new astonishing, immersive artwork presented at this year’s Intervals Festival.

Palindrome Codex is an audiovisual installation that challenges the notion of linear time, representing an immersive tapestry where one can experience the flow of time both forward and backward. 

The artwork draws inspiration from the enigmatic geometry of the Sator Square to create a mesmerizing audiovisual landscape.
Using innovative artificial intelligence techniques, Palindrome Codex produces shimmering, dislocated visuals interwoven with retro-futuristic elements and an elaborate soundtrack that resonates with the timeless themes of the installation.

By fusing ancient symbolism with cutting-edge technology, Palindrome Codex offers a reflective and transcendent experience where the boundaries between beginnings and endings dissolve into a timeless continuum.

See more of Cao Yuxi’s work here!


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