Agostino Iacurci’s “Bouquet” for San Marzano Wines

Agostino Iacurci’s “Bouquet” for San Marzano Wines

Agostino Iacurci’s “Bouquet” for San Marzano Wines

Agostino Iacurci’s “Bouquet” for San Marzano Wines

Agostino Iacurci’s “Bouquet” for San Marzano Wines

The “Bouquet” by Agostino Iacurci is a fine example of a delightful encounter between art and wine.

Invited by San Marzano Wines as part of their TramArt project, the Italian Machas artist developed an artwork that resonates with the Tramari tasting experience.

Agostino interpreted the wine maker’s label with a floral still life painting, evoking the wine’s scents and aromas through the energy and vibrations of a vivid juxtaposition of colours.

The collaboration resulted in the painting entering San Marzano Wines’ collection and gracing their limited edition Tramari bottles.

Find more of Iacurci’s work here.


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