Ray Oranges’ builds a roller coaster for Wired Magazine

Ray Oranges’ builds a roller coaster for Wired Magazine

Ray Oranges’ builds a roller coaster for Wired Magazine

Here in England there is a lot of buzz going around the latest Wired UK issue and it’s main feature on the burgeoning data industry: it is literally a journalistic outing of the big white elephant in the room, as most of us consumers are blissfully unaware (or disinterested) of the constant profiling we are subjected to.

However, if you want to forget about Big Brother for a second, flip to the How To section and be inspired on how to build a roller coaster in your garden while enjoying a brand new full page illustration by our Ray Oranges. If you reading the magazine from your iPad you can also see the animated version —  we all love it here because it brings to the light a more playful aspect in Ray’s style.

And if you still want to build that roller coaster, just make sure you don’t use your credit card to buy the materials!


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